A sequel series to Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra is an animated American television series with four seasons. The story picks up seventy years after the end of the Avatar: The Last Airbender and follows Korra as she faces the difficult challenges, duties, and responsibilities that come with being the Avatar.
Now, the adventure continues in comic book form, with most stories taking place after the conclusion of the show’s official run. Here is the official synopsis:
“Relishing their newfound feelings for each other, Korra and Asami leave the Spirit World . . . but find nothing in Republic City but political hijinks and human vs. spirit conflict! A pompous developer plans to turn the new spirit portal into an amusement park, potentially severing an already tumultuous connection with the spirits. What’s more, the triads have realigned and are in a brutal all-out brawl at the city’s borders–where hundreds of evacuees have relocated! In order to get through it all, Korra and Asami vow to look out for each other–but first, they’ve got to get better at being a team and a couple!”
What to read before The Legend of Korra?
Before going into The Legend of Korra, you can watch and read about The Last Airbender (see Reading Order), then (re)discover The Legend of Korra animated series.
The Legend of Korra Comics Reading Order
- Turf Wars (graphic novel trilogy)
Picking up right where the animated series left off, Turf Wars delves into Korra and Asami’s romantic vacation in the Spirit World, coming out to Korra’s parents, and returning to Republic City:
- Ruins of the Empire (graphic novel trilogy)
Directly following the events of the Turf Wars trilogy, Korra must decide who to trust as the fate of the Earth Kingdom hangs in the balance.
- Patterns in Time (anthology)
Includes previously published Free Comic Book Day issues as well as brand new mini-comics that aretaking place at different moment in the timeline:- “Friends for Life” – FCBD story set before the animated series. As a child, Korra finds a polar bear dog cub which has become separated from its pack in a storm.
- “Skyscrapers”- Set before the animated series, during the childhood of Asami Sato in Republic City.
- “Wisdom” – Set before LoK and ATLA (around 3,829 BG), this story focuses on Laghima, an Air Nomad philosopher.
- “Lost Pets” – FCBD story set between Turf Wars and Ruins of the Empire. Korra recruits Meelo for tracking down a pack of lost pets!
- “A Change in the Wind” – Set after Ruins of the Empire and Clearing the Air. Korra, Asami, and Jinora faces ghosts who threaten to crash their plane.
- “Weaver’s Ball”- Set before the animated series. Korra begins her firebending training.
- “Clearing the Air” – FCBD story Set after Ruins of the Empire and focused on Tenzin (with a flashback to his youth featuring adult Aang).
- “Cat-Owl’s Cradle”- Set between Season 3 & 4. Follows Meelo and Bumi on an adventure.
- Beach Wars (short story)
2022 FCBD story not collected anywhere for the moment. Set after Ruins of the Empire and Clearing the Air. The team has a fun day at the beach.
Coming soon! Dark Horse has announced Mystery of Penquan Island, an upcoming, standalone graphic novel that will focus on Mako.
Other Collected Editions
Every comic trilogy is first released in three paperback and digital parts. After a time, Dark Horse republishes those trilogies in other editions, offering another way to collect those stories.
The Library Edition
The Libray Editions are Hardcover editions that recollect three parts of a story in one book.
- The Legend of Korra – Turf Wars Library Edition
- The Legend of Korra – Ruins of the Empire Library Edition
Paperback Omnibus Edition
The Omnibus editions collect the three parts of a story in one book, with a softcover and a cheaper price.
What to read after The Legend of Korra?
For the moment, there is no follow-up. This is where the adventure ends.